joi, 25 noiembrie 2010


Probabil ca deja esti familiarizat cu conceptul de "retea sociala". Fie ca este vorba de Facebook, Neogen, ZenZuu, Yewie, hi5, Avon Connects, XING, Badoo sau alte asemenea, a face parte dintr-o retea sociala inseamna sa comunici zilnic cu prietenii tai si sa impartasesti idei noi. A face parte dintr-o retea sociala nu a fost niciodata tat de profitabil cum este acum.
Draga prietene, am sa-ti vorbesc in continuare de reteaua sociala Sitetalk, care se doreste a fi concurenta pentru cele enumerate mai sus. In prezent, o actiune Sitetalk costa 12 centi, dar valoarea ei va creste si - in curand - va fi cotata la bursa. Iar o parte din castiguri va fi impartita cu utilizatorii sai.
Nu te costa nimic sa te inscrii si nici nu ai nimic de pierdut. Ci doar de castigat.
Da click pe link-ul urmator
si Sign up for free.
Te asteapta multe surprize inauntru.
Dupa ce te inscrii, te voi ghida pas cu pas mai departe.
Iti doresc succes maxim in tot ceea ce faci. Ne vedem inauntru.
Carmen Moraru

You are proably already familiar with the "social network" concept. Whether it's Facebook, Neogen, ZenZuu, Yewie, hi5, Avon Connects, XING, Badoo or others, being part of a social etwork means communicating daily with your friends and sharing new ideas. Being part of a social network has never been as easy as it is today.
Dear friend, in the following lines I'm going to talk to you about the Sitetalk social network, which is meant to be a concurrent for the above-mentioned ones. Today a Sitetalk share is 12 cents, but its value will ge higher and it will soon be on the stock market. And a part of the winnings will be shared with its users.
It doesn't cost you anything to subscribe. Neither do you have anything to lose by doing so. Just click on the following link
and Sign up for free.
There arwe many surprizes for you waiting inside.
After you subscribe, I will guide you step by step all the way.
I wish you maximum of succes in whatever it is that you are doing.
See you inside

Carmen Moraru
Live long and prosper

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